• What is the Annual Fund?
  • Why does the university need annual giving?
  • I can only make a small contribution.  Does that really help?
  • How are my contributions used?
  • How can I make a contribution?
  • Is my gift tax deductible?
  • What is a matching gift?
  • I've already paid my Alumni Association dues.  Does that make me a donor?
  • I want to mail in my contribution.  Do you have a form I can fill out?
What is the Annual Fund?
The Annual Fund is a yearly campaign to raise funds for Texas Southern University. It provides immediate funds to supplement the university’s operating budget or towards a specific need. Annual fund gifts have a significant impact on the university’s ability to support programs not funded by state appropriations. This year’s focus of the annual fund is providing scholarships to deserving students to supplement the expenses of tuition, as well as offering scholarships for recruitment of exemplary prospective students.
Why does the University need annual giving?
State funding and student tuition only cover a percentage of the university’s operating budget. Additional funds are required to expand our programs, offer more scholarships, and improve our campus. Unrestricted gifts to the annual fund allow us to apply the funds to the greatest need of the university. All other restricted annual fund gifts will fund university scholarships among the ten colleges and schools on campus.
I can only make a small contribution.  Does that really help?
Absolutely! For example, if 40 people each gave $25, that would cover a student's annual cost of books and supplies.  If 36 people each gave $100, that would cover tuition for an undergraduate student. It all adds up! For TSU it is not how much you give, but that you give. Alumni participation, especially loyal participation from year to year, not only aids the university financially, but also factors into Texas Southern University’s ranking.
How are my contributions used?
100% of annual fund gifts go to the areas designated by you.  All restricted annual gifts fund scholarships at the college or school of your choice. All unrestricted gifts fund the greatest need of the university and help bridge the gap between state support and tuition fees, and what is actually needed to operate the university.
How can I make a contribution?
There are many options available for making gifts, and we have worked to make sure each one is easy and convenient. You can mail us a check, give online, include Texas Southern University in your estate/will or establish an endowment.  You can also call us with your credit card information to make a gift. Contact the Office of Development at 713-313-4276.
I s my gift tax deductible?  Yes, TSU is qualified as a tax-exempt organization under section 501(c)(3) of the IRS Code, so all gifts to the University are tax deductible. To find out more about tax deductibility visit the IRS website at
What is a matching gift?  
Many companies encourage their employees to make charitable contributions by matching their
philanthropic support. At TSU, donors receive credit for their employers' matching gifts, meaning the match will also count towards your gift totals. The impact of corporate matching support can be enormous. Hundreds of companies have matching gift programs.  Tofind out if your employer promotes matching gifts,visit our Employer Matching page.  Please include this matching gift form with your gift.

I've already paid my Alumni Association dues. Does that make me a donor?
No. Membership dues for the National Alumni Association (or local Alumni Chapters) do not qualify as tax-deductible contributions.

I want to mail in my contribution. Do you have a form I can fill out?
Yes! Simply print out this Donor FormorPresident's Leadership Scholar Formand mail it back to us with your check or credit card information.  Mail donations to:
Texas Southern University
Office of Development, Suite 206
3100 Cleburne Street
Houston, TX 77004